Double the JOY: Surprise
Wish Reveals & Wish Boxes
At Nik’s Wish, every moment counts, and we’re here to make those moments unforgettable. One of the most important aspects of everything we do is giving the wishers and their families the opportunity to create precious memories. The Surprise Wish Reveals and Wish Boxes are the start of their Nik's Wish experience, offering young adults battling cancer the joy, excitement, and hope they deserve. Together, we can make these life-changing experiences possible.

Surprise Wish Reveals: The Moment of JOY
The journey begins with a Surprise Wish Reveal, where a young adult finds out their wish is granted in the most exciting way possible! We go all out to make these reveals magical:
*Nik's Wish Swag for the family to remember the moment
*Explosive Confetti Cannons to make the reveal unforgettable
*A Wisher Sign that reveals what their wish is
*Photos to capture the joy and excitement of the moment
*We bring the Wish Lamp to wishers in our area, and they get to sign it!
It’s an experience that will stay with them forever—one that shows how much they are loved and supported.
Wish Boxes: The Next Step in their Wish Experience
After the surprise, the journey continues with the Wish Box, a thoughtful collection of items that bring joy and comfort as they prepare for their wish experience. Inside each box, they’ll find:
*Nik's Wish Branded Gift Cards for their wish trip stipends
*Nik's Wish Family Shirts, Wisher Hats, and Drawstring Bags for the whole family to share in the excitement
*Wristbands, Lapel Pins, Head Scarves/Gators, and Bring JOY Stickers to empower them along the way
*Thermo Fisher Donations, including water bottles, hygiene items, playing cards, notepads, and handwritten notes
*A Congratulations Letter featuring poems by Nik himself
This box is a special reminder that their wish is on the way—filling their hearts with hope and their journey with joy.

Can’t get enough of the JOY a Wish Reveal brings? Check out Abby’s unforgettable Wish Reveal, featured in Nik's Wish's CNN Heroes story. Watch the full moment here: Abby's Wish Reveal & Jordan's Taylor Swift Wish

Want to see the joy of a Surprise Wish Reveal? Watch Timothy’s heartwarming moment, surrounded by Mr. and Mrs. Klaus and a band of merry Nik's Wish elves, just before Christmas. Watch the full video here: Timothy's Surprise Wish Reveal on CBS News.