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Support Our Work to Shape Puerto Rico's Future!

Your donation will help us address Puerto Rico's most pressing needs, such as educational impoverishment and talent migration.

Take a look at our 2024 Impact Report!

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ConPRmetidos is a non-profit organization tax-exempt under Section 1101.01 (a)(2)(A) of the Puerto Rico Internal Revenue Code and Section 501(c)(3) of the U.S. Internal Revenue Code. Your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. We'll email you a receipt upon successful completion of your donation.

You have the power to make a real difference in the lives of Puerto Rico's youth and communities. Here’s how your support drives our mission forward:

El Comeback

El Comeback connects professionals on the island and those interested in returning to work in Puerto Rico to local job opportunities. This program is dedicated to attracting and retaining talent for Puerto Rico, promoting economic mobility and talent retention through a workforce database, as well as helping Puerto Ricans be back home and with their families.

Since 2021, El Comeback has collaborated with 75 partner companies and built a database of over 7,500 professionals seeking work on the island.

Futuro ConPR

This initiative seeks to address the needs of modern-day students by providing opportunities to connect with professionals, develop key skills, and get insights into career pathways.

We are launching a pilot program in which professionals from high-demand industries offer courses designed to blend academic training with practical experiences, while enhancing students' non-academic skills (21st-century skills). These experiences will complement offerings in the academic space with real world applications, allowing students to make strong career choices.

Every donation matters.

Whether it’s helping us host career-building events, designing new programs, or providing resources for students and communities, your support plays a critical role in our mission.

Together, we can ensure that these programs expand and empower even more individuals, giving them the tools they need to thrive and lead Puerto Rico into a brighter future.
