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Donate now to DOUBLE your impact!

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Tech Exchange (​EIN #92-2199377) is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Make your gift go further this giving season.

Our generous donors will match all donations made by midnight, Tuesday December 31, up to $10,000!

Close the Digital Divide with Tech Exchange.

Computers, digital skills, and tech resources are essential for education, for sharing information, and for access to health and community services. Unfortunately, thousands of Bay Area families are still left behind. With your support, Tech Exchange can provide fundamental tech tools to close the digital divide.

Donate to Tech Exchange by midnight, Tuesday December 31, and DOUBLE YOUR DONATION!

Close the Digital Divide

Make a gift to provide a free computer to a Bay Area student in need.

Make a Connection

Donate today to fund friendly, multilingual tech support for one family.

Empower the Future

Give now to support a STEM internship and certification for a young person in our community.

Frequently asked questions

Who's on your list?

When you donate by December 31, your gift will be doubled...and if you dedicate your donation, you can send a holiday e-card to your honoree. It's a great choice for a last-minute gift!

It's easy! Just click donate and choose your amount and payment type. You'll then have the option to click "Dedicate a donation" and complete the process. You can choose from four different colorful e-cards to send your honoree, who will be automatically notified.