Goodwill Industries of Central Oklahoma logo
Unboxing Potential

Goodwill Central Oklahoma
Year-End Fundraiser

The Boldt Company is matching donations dollar for dollar, up to $5,000, until December 31, 2024.

Become a Fundraiser

Unbox a Lifetime of Impact with One Day of Giving!

Double Your Donation

Choose an amount to donate monthly
Choose an amount
Goodwill Central Oklahoma is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Small Sacrifice. Big Difference.

Goodwill is 100% Local. 100% Nonprofit. 100% Impact.
Swap one small luxury a month to help break barriers and create fair chances for those who need it most. Your recurring gift funds local job training, education, and career support, changing lives in your community.

Start your monthly gift today and UNBOX POTENTIAL!

Latte for a Lift

Latte for a Lift

Skip the fancy coffee. Your $10 will provide a bus pass, helping someone overcome transportation barriers to reach job interviews or work opportunities.
Share Your Plate

Share Your Plate

Pack your lunch, and your $20 feeds a family in need, easing their hunger so they can focus on finding jobs and building a brighter future.
Cheers to Careers

Cheers to Careers

If you skip one night out, your $50 will provide professional attire, helping someone overcome appearance barriers and make a great impression at job interviews.

Meet Will 👋
Our CEO and Goodwill Myth-Buster!

Join Will, our CEO & President and Goodwill’s resident myth-buster, as he unveils how your small monthly gift can break down employment barriers and transform lives in our community. Ready to witness the magic? Click play and get inspired to #BreakBarriers with us!

Frequently asked questions

Britney, Achiever of the Year 2024