Support 110 years of music education
Neighborhood Music School inspires minds and enriches community through music education through affordable private lessons, tuition-free ensembles, group classes, and opportunities to make music throughout LA County! You support ensures that we can keep our tuition low, our scholarship awards high, our teachers well compensated, and our community engaged!
NMS is growing!
Anchored in Boyle Heights, our NMS music instruction has more than doubled this year with residencies in Little Lake School District, Long Beach Unified School District, and (always home in Boyle Heights) PUENTE Learning Center. This growth means more students have access to music instruction, proper instruments, and opportunities to engage music as a core of growing up(at every age).
At home in Boyle Heights, we are making plans and raising funds to build an outdoor stage and community garden. With this, we will have a stage on which to perform, host movie nights and events, and a garden that our staff, students, and families can help to grow, harvest, and fill with music
Thank you for supporting our work, and making music with us! We are proud to have you in our Neighborhood Music School Family!