Stucky Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund

Richard and Barbara Stucky are longtime supporters of the Museum. They became Edwin Carter Legacy Society members in 2016, when they notified the Museum that their trust will establish an endowment at the DMNS Foundation. Early in his career, Richard held a postdoctoral fellowship at another museum. Through their estate plans, Richard and Barbara’s gift will one day enable our museum to routinely host a postdoctoral fellow.
Recently, the Stuckys’ plan was jump-started by another Museum donor, Dolores Schlessman, who made a generous gift in honor of Richard. In consultation with the Stuckys, Mrs. Schlessman’s gift established the Stucky Postdoctoral Fellowship Fund in 2021, many years in advance of when it would have been launched by the Stuckys’ trust.
Your gift to the Stucky Fund will grow it further, advancing the date by which distributions from the fund’s growth will cover a year of pay for the first DMNS Stucky Postdoctoral Fellow.