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Ann O’Donnell Endowment for Outreach and Education

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Imagine it’s a Monday. A colorfully wrapped box bursting with imaginative, hands-on activities and specimens from the Denver Museum of Nature & Science collections arrives at Fraser Valley Elementary School. This will be an extraordinary week for second- and third-graders at the school! Guided by their teachers—now experts in earth science thanks to lessons and activities fully curated by the Museum—students will dig deep into Colorado’s past to discover what our state looked like when dinosaurs roamed the Earth. As the students create simulations of Colorado’s lost worlds, they’ll practice using the teamwork, communication, and critical thinking skills they’ll need as the innovators, explorers, and community-builders of tomorrow.

The Ann O’Donnell Endowment for Outreach and Education has been created to support these and other hands-on science education experiences for K–12 students, both in their own schools and communities and on field trips to the Denver Museum of Nature & Science. Now, and for all time, students and teachers will explore and make discoveries about nature and science through engaging and memorable learning experiences that only the Denver Museum of Nature & Science can provide.

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