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Delaware Riverkeeper Network is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Today Your Donation Goes Twice As Far!

Thanks to the generosity of an anonymous donor, $15,000 in donations to the Delaware Riverkeeper Network will be matched during our Week of Giving! Today is the day to GIVE!

Who We Are

The Delaware Riverkeeper Network champions the rights of our communities to a Delaware River and tributary streams that are free-flowing, clean, healthy, and abundant with a diversity of life.

Every day the Delaware River and its communities face challenges that threaten the health of our waterways and quality of life. The Delaware Riverkeeper Network works throughout the four states that comprise the Watershed: Pennsylvania, New Jersey, Delaware, and New York. We also work at the federal level on the issues, actions, regulations, legislation, policies, programs, and decisions that impact the health of our Watershed and our ability to protect and restore them for the benefit of all.

Members like you provide strength, resolve, and financial support for all our efforts and accomplishments. Your charitable investment in the Delaware Riverkeeper Network now will be returned to future generations through the priceless gift of clean water.

Ecological Restoration

DRN works on-the-ground with partner organizations throughout the Watershed. These projects can include tree-planting, stream restoration, removal of invasive species, and returning native fish to restored streams. The positive ecological impact these projects have to our Watershed are immeasurable, but your gift of any amount can help pay for DRN staff time, efforts, and research leading up to and implementing these worthwhile projects.

Salamander Monitoring

Eastern Tiger Salamander populations are endangered in NJ, NY, and DE, and are completely wiped out in PA. Habitat loss, development, fragmentation of breeding grounds, pollution, and climate change all contribute to the decline of this species. In 2024, we start of a translocation project that safely transports salamander egg masses to vernal pools not at risk of saltwater intrusion. Your gift of $250 or more will help us to continue this important project in 2025 and beyond.

Atlantic Sturgeon Work

Proposed developments could inflict habitat loss, negative water quality or direct mortality on Atlantic sturgeon. A $500 gift provides essential support for us to apply our Atlantic sturgeon population model to assess potential new threats and their impacts. These models and their output are then used when we file lawsuits against the EPA for violating the Clean Water Act, and the states of NY, NJ, and DE for failing to apply for incidental take permits.

Horseshoe Crab Monitoring

A $750 gift pays for one night of a spawning survey, training volunteer monitors, and rescuing stranded horseshoe crabs after the survey count and tagging. DRN also documents the ever-changing and dynamic Delaware Bay ecosystem, keeping an eye on over-wash areas that cause crabs to become stranded. Your donation ensures we can keep rescuing and monitoring these "living fossils."

Employ Expert Witnesses

When heading into a court battle, experts and strong science are key components to our ability to successfully defend the River. Hiring the right expert witness, with a high level of knowledge for a specific issue, can be expensive. DRN staff also put in time to research and ensure we have the right expert for the issue. Experts' fees can begin at $5,000, and can easily reach six figures. You gift, combined with others, can help ensure we have the experts we need to go to court.

Hiring Outside Counsel

Our legal team builds strong cases that protect the River and enforce the law. The cases we bring can set precedent for future protection of the River and for generations that follow. DRN's attorneys may find themselves outnumbered 5 to 1 when we face well-resourced corporations that do not have the River's best-interests in mind. We believe we have some of the best attorneys around, but should we need outside counsel to assist with a special topic or area, your donations make it possible.
