Garden for Good
Vermont Garden Network has been teaching Vermonters how to grow food for over 20 years. This year we are taking action to address garden-scale climate impacts. We host hands-on workshops about resilient, flood-resistant crops. We build community and share successes while supporting each other (through floods and mosquitoes!).
Please support our work to improve the local food system and ensure equitable access to nutritious food for all.

Vermont Garden Network teaches Vermonters how to grow food. Through a hands-on, immersive, six-month growing season, students learn how to grow nutrient-dense and culturally significant vegetables that sustain their access to food. We teach residents to garden like a farmer with organic, environmentally sound methods to ensure we model the best land stewardship. We operate across the state at affordable housing sites, schools and in underserved communities where access to land is a barrier. Our garden programs improve lives and strengthen the local food system.