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Somebody’s Thinking About You - STAY is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to educating and destigmatizing mental health issues and raising awareness for suicide prevention in the action sports community.

somebody's thinking about you


We are dedicated to fighting the stigma surrounding mental health issues in action sports by exploring ways to educate, navigate, and commiserate on anxiety, depression, grief, esteem, addiction, self-harm, and suicide.

S.T.A.Y. is an initiative founded on the idea that action sports should be a safe space for talking about tough stuff. One where friends could lean into one another, ask for help, and explore life's ups and downs with curiosity rather than stigma. We are building a community where mental health and suicide prevention awareness are  prioritized without second thought.

Your donations help us reach the following goals

Raise awareness about mental health in action sports.

Combat the stigmas surrounding mental health and normalize talking about mental health in action sports.

Encourage people to seek help when needed.

Provide free programs and educational materials for mental health issues.

Host events and workshops to educate the action sports community on mental health and suicide prevention.

To remind you that you are not alone:

Somebody’s Thinking About You!

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