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Life Literacy Education is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Life Literacy Education

Our proven, life-changing financial literacy classes are underway in Kentucky and New York! We still need help to cover the associated costs to pay for teachers and help these marginalized students who are only looking to better their lives and their communities. All donations large or small will make a difference.

Our mission

Our mission goes beyond offering financial literacy and career development classes to students. We aim to provide them with the resources needed to effectively apply the knowledge gained in our classes.

Frequently asked questions

Teacher Salary

The time and effort of those who teach our class should be fairly compensated. Donate here to help us provide our educators with adequate pay.

College Application Fees

At Life Literacy Education we strive to provide more than a great financial literacy and career development education, we want to give our students the resources they need to utilize the knowledge they are given in our class. Donate here to help us cover the cost of our students college application fees.

Company overhead

Donate here to help cover the cost of operations. This includes covering the cost of D2L (BrightSpace) the LMS we use and legal fees associated with remaining compliant in each of the communities in which we operate.