Animal Rescue League of New Hampshire logo

Make a life-changing difference today!

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{{ Non-profit name }} is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

We are here for Meatloaf, Gail, and over 2,000 others...
because you are here for us!

Your donation today supports the Animal Rescue League of NH's daily life-saving efforts. Countless animals have come through our doors needing our assistance. We can be here for them because you're here for us. A one-time or monthly donation can ensure pets like Meatloaf (a bulldog going under extensive medical care) and Gail (feral kitten - trapped, socialized and since adopted) can be rescued and provided with the necessary medical care, food, enrichment, and love while waiting to find the home of their dreams 

Be a part of their stories!

The Animal Rescue League of NH helps over 2,000 animals each year. Whether they are looking for new homes, lost, or with loving families that need a little support in these challenging times, we have a program to help these animals thrive. Through education, support, and empathy, the Animal Rescue League of NH is here for the pets and the people who care for them. Your donation is crucial to these ongoing life-saving efforts!

Frequently asked questions
