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Help Feed Local Families
with Pay it 4ward and Sandia Area Federal Credit Union

As a part of KOB 4’s commitment to Stand 4 New Mexico, you have a chance to help address this critical issue, by donating to help feed local families. Proceeds benefit the Storehouse New Mexico food pantry.

Help Fight Hunger Today!

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Storehouse New Mexico is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Hunger is a Growing Problem in New Mexico

Our state ranks among the worst in the nation for adult hunger and 1 in 5 local children is going hungry. The Storehouse is here to help feed local families in need.

The Storehouse is a well-established, nonprofit community-based food pantry that provides free groceries to people in need regardless of race, faith, age, gender, or disability. The Storehouse has been seeing a record number of clients this year - from infants to seniors – so your support is needed now more than ever to help us feed local people experiencing food insecurity.
Every dollar raised can provide 5 meals.

Working Together to Fight Hunger

Sandia Area Federal Credit Union, a sponsor of Pay it 4ward, selected the Storehouse New Mexico to be a KOB-4 Pay it 4ward recipient. Concerned about local people going hungry, Sandia Area has supported the work of the Storehouse for many years as major contributors and volunteers. They invite the public to get involved, too, as donors or volunteers.

Through Pay it 4ward, each of us can make a difference for local families in need. Join Sandia Area in supporting the Storehouse, and our local community, by making a donation to Pay it 4ward!

Visit to learn more or to get involved!

125 Meals for a Child

Your donation of $25 provides 125 meals for a child.

250 Healthy Meals

Your donation of $50 provides 250 meals with lots of healthy food options.

500 Meals for a Family

Your donation of $100 provides 500 meals for a family to share.

New Mexicans face hunger and financial hardship on a daily basis. Working families juggle bills for transportation and housing with the cost of food. Families with infants and children are especially at risk for hunger as far too often they don’t have enough money to pay for groceries let alone baby food and diapers. Seniors on fixed incomes struggle, too, to cover the cost of their medical needs and the food that sustains them. Thankfully, the Storehouse is there to help people of all ages and walks of life who are experiencing hunger. When people need food, the Storehouse is there to help. We greatly appreciate your support and so do the people who count on our pantry.

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