Support Sports Programs in Rural Zambia
Including a sports program (tennis, basketball, etc.) at MC-Zambia's Community Center in Chanyanya (Kafue District) a small rural fishing village, will help improve children's development and offer a safe outlet for a healthy lifestyle.
The new sports programs will provide much-needed extracurricular activity for children attending MCZ's literacy classes to meet the Ministry of Education requirement for early childhood learners. It will also increase community participation in sports activities in Kafue District and surrounding schools.
The Zambian government's Ministry of Education has highlighted the need to improve children’s participation in various sporting activities (tennis, basketball, soccer) in education facilities as part of their development.
MC-Zambia would incorporate this missing piece for learners at the center, including for the adult literacy class, which would promote community sports participation to reduce sedentary lifestyle trends and the associated poor health outcomes.
Children undergoing literacy classes will benefit greatly from their extracurricular activities and the option of benefits to link to better sports clubs in the country for increased opportunities and educational scholarships.