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The Stories Behind the Spectacle Capital Campaign

In July 2023, the Indianapolis Motor Speedway Museum announced the public phase of a $89 million capital campaign – The Stories Behind the Spectacle – to fund a complete transformation of the Museum, its first significant renovation in nearly 40 years.

Remaining within our current footprint, the Museum will be reconfigured to improve the guest experience. A more intuitive layout will offer an orientation to the history of the Speedway and an immersive experience recreating some of our favorite Indianapolis 500 traditions. Improved air and humidity control, museum-grade storage systems, and controlled lighting will preserve our vehicles and artifacts for years to come.

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Ways to Support

Support of The Stories Behind the Spectacle Campaign can be made in a variety of ways. Whether you wish to make a one-time donation, a pledge commitment, or a legacy gift, your contributions are vital our success. To learn more about your options of giving, please contact Bridget Sutton, Director of Development, at

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