Taking Ownership logo

Let's Build. Literally.

Your support will help Black Portlanders stay and thrive in their homes.

Support Taking Ownership PDX today🏡

Choose a monthly amount
Donate monthly$100.00
Taking Ownership PDX is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Invest in Taking Ownership PDX.

As of 2024, Taking Ownership PDX is now its own nonprofit! Please support our work to establish Taking Ownership as an effective, efficient, and sustainable organization now and in the future.

Support our volunteer model.

Our over 400 volunteers are core to our model and impact. Through their engagement, we are not only able to do more home repairs, but also build a more connected community dedicated to reparations and equity.

Take a family off our waitlist.

It costs us between $5k and $30k for each home repair. With over 200 black homeowners on our waitlist, a significant contribution will help us make it through our waitlist faster and take on more projects this year.

Learn more about Taking Ownership's impact directly from our homeowners

Frequently asked questions