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Free The Girls is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. Please keep your receipt as your official record. We'll email it to you upon successful completion of your donation.

Join the Empowerment Collective

Join Free The Girls in a new chapter of empowerment—without bra donations, but with the same heart.

The Empowerment Collective invites businesses and community leaders to champion survivors of human trafficking through a steadfast commitment of $300 a month.

Your pledge is more than a donation; it's a beacon of hope, offering survivors the support they need to rebuild their lives.
Together, we can weave a network of freedom and opportunity.

Stand with us, and let's turn compassion into action.

Frequently asked questions

Why Your Support Matters

Every $300 monthly commitment to the Empowerment Collective fuels our mission to offer survivors of human trafficking a path to true freedom and independence. Here’s how your business or group makes a tangible difference:

Empowerment Through Education: Your support funds educational programs and vocational training, crucial steps for survivors building new lives.
Holistic Recovery: Contributions help provide comprehensive care, including mental health services, to heal from trauma.
Sustainable Change: Regular funding ensures the longevity and growth of our programs, reaching more survivors each year.

Your Role in Their Journey
By joining the Empowerment Collective, you're not just donating; you're partnering in a movement that believes in second chances and the power of community. Your commitment sends a powerful message of hope and solidarity to survivors, showing them they're not alone in their journey to freedom.

Together, We Are the Empowerment Collective
Connection: Receive updates and stories showing the direct impact of your generosity on the lives of survivors.
Community: Be part of a like-minded collective of leaders making a lasting difference in the world.
Education: Have the opportunity to have FTG host trainings for your employees or staff members on human trafficking, trauma, freedom businesses, etc.

Let's build a future where freedom and dignity are available to all. Join us, and be a part of this transformative journey.