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Monthly Giving to Jews in Need

Be a Lifeline to Vulnerable Jews. Become a Global Sustainer.

When you support JDC, you are offering life-saving aid to the world's poorest Jews and powering Jewish life around the world. Today, your sustained generosity is needed more than ever before — and with a monthly gift, you will be a champion for those with nowhere else to turn.

Monthly donation

30 Days of Food and Medicine

Deliver a 30-day supply of vital necessities to an isolated senior or child with disabilities in the former Soviet Union.
Monthly donation

10 Hours of Homecare

Provide 10 hours of homecare to an elderly Jew who would otherwise be alone — giving them the compassionate care they require and deserve.
Monthly donation

Sustain a Family in Need

Supply a month's worth of emergency humanitarian assistance — food, medicine, winter survival aid, and more — to a family of four enduring constant uncertainty, air-raid sirens, and shelling in Ukraine.

Give the gift that shows them you'll always be there — no matter what.

In these difficult times, our impact is felt in 70 countries as we work to rescue Jews in harm's way, provide aid to vulnerable Jews, support Israelis in need, cultivate a Jewish future, and lead the Jewish community’s response to global crises.

Today, with the war in Israel, the ongoing crisis in Ukraine, and rising antisemitism across the globe, your recurring gift will give Jews in need the reliable support they so desperately need.

[11:26 AM] Benjamin Talarico
Four JDC volunteers in blue jackets in Ukraine interact with elderly Jews and young Jews sitting down.

Help Jews in Need Today

Choose an amount to donate monthly
By donating, you will automatically receive updates on ways your donation is building a better tomorrow. You can unsubscribe at any time by following the instructions on any email you receive from JDC. 

The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, Inc., JDC, is a nonprofit, tax-exempt charitable organization described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code, contributions to which are deductible for federal income tax.