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In a democracy, every voter should have an equal and fair opportunity to choose elected officials. The Big Lie that there was widespread voter fraud during the November 2020 election was the pretext that led to this “Solution in search of a problem”.

SB202 disproportionately suppresses voters or color by restricting no excuse absentee voting, limits early voting days, replaces local registrars that don't carry out voter purges and criminalizes volunteers for providing refreshments to voters while they wait in line in an attempt to discourage voters from waiting.

Communities United for Justice and our partners will not relent in fighting this unjust law. We will protest, we will register voters, we will educate citizens on the new rules of engagement and we will mobilize to guarantee that our voices are heard at the polls. But we need your help! Please donate so we can carry on the fight year-round. Thank you for your support!