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Help Protect Public Schools- Join KPAC

Kansas Political Action Committee is a member-run political action committee, supporting pro-public education candidates in Kansas. KPAC contributions help elect public education friendly candidates, regardless of party affiliation. Join KPAC and show Kansas teachers and students you value Kansas Public Schools!

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Please consult your tax advisor regarding any contribution to KPAC. You can access your contribution history through your supporter profile.

We can't return to the "lost decade."

Under the failed policies of Governor Sam Brownback, Kansas students suffered through the "lost decade."  While the wealthiest Kansans enjoyed historic tax relief, Kansas students and their working families paid the price.  School funding was cut so severely that schools closed, programs ended, and the Kansas Constitution was violated. Joining KPAC helps us elect candidates who will stop those who wish to return to the "lost decade."  

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